Thursday, December 22, 2011

What is Magnesium Stearate?

Magnesium Stearate is absolutely useless to your body; a metal derivative that your body has absolutely no conceivable use for. Supplement companies have been intentionally misleading their customers for some time now, making it sound like the inclusion of this additive is helpful to your general welfare. The truth is much more frightening and a substantial bit more dangerous.

Magnesium Stearate or Stearic Acid is basically a toxin; a combination of hydrogenated oils that gets into your body and starts killing cells almost immediately. The worst part is that there is Stearic Acid in over 90% of the pills currently on the market. Sometimes it is because of the age of the equipment being used to produce pills; other times it is because supplement companies are trying to milk every last bit of profit out of their machines.     

So, how does Magnesium Stearate make its way into your supplements so often? It is a manufacturing tool, used to lubricate the machinery and produce more pills, faster. To be more accurate, Stearic Acid is the byproduct of the hydrogenated oils that are used to lubricate the machinery, having accumulated the metals that saturate these highly dangerous oils. Because they are used to lubricate every aspect of pill production, these hydrogenated oils have saturated every ounce of your supplements, making up as much as 5% of a 1000 mg capsule. Not only does this waste valuable supplement space just so a company can make more pills and more money, it reduces the effectiveness of the pills you are taking.

 In addition to weakening your pills, Magnesium Stearate may be loaded with pesticides that are used on the Cottonseed Oil that has been hydrogenated. In addition, with the chemical structure of the fatty acids in Stearic Acid having been altered through close contact with various metal catalysts at extremely high temperatures, the risk of toxicity increases dramatically, introducing countless toxic compounds into your body as a result.

While the companies that produce Vitamins and Supplements may want you to believe that the use of Magnesium Stearate and Stearic Acid in your pills is safe, they are not fooling anyone. You owe it to yourself and your future well being to go to the cupboard right now and remove any pills in there that might contain anything with either of these highly dangerous supplements in them. The market has supported this shoddy, irresponsible production for too long and the health of the industry's consumers should not need to suffer for it.

Empty Minerals

At the end of World War II, drug conglomerates making nitrates and phosphates for weapons, were left with few buyers for their stockpiles of chemicals. They had to find new markets for their products. Experiments done in the past have shown that many plants will grow on a mixture of just three minerals, nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Armed with this knowledge, war chemicals manufacturers began selling NPK fertilizers to farmers. By the 60's in order to compete in the food market, almost all American farms had become totally dependent on NPK products in order to make a living.

Mixtures of NPK, provide three of the main minerals essential for plant health. They grow fast and crops can have abundat yields. The problem here folks is your not a vegetable! Humans need more than nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. They also need selenium, chromium, calcium, magnesium, iron, coppen, iodine, molybdenum, zinc, cobalt, boron and vanadium. These NPK fertilizers do not contain the minerals essential for human health.

As each succeeding crop grown on NPK products has depleted the soil of other essential minerals, and these minerals are no longer replaced. Most produce and food animals now grown in America, have become mineral deficient. That makes you deficient and your body cannot make minerals and has to find them somehow from your food.

Dr Linus Pauling, twice noble prize winner, said "you can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency". Yet, all over the world, minerals are disappearing from agricultural soils at an alarming rate. In 1992, the official report of the Rio Earth Summit concluded "there is deep concern over continuing major declines in the mineral values in farm and range soils throughout the world". This statement was based on data showing that over the last 100 years, average mineral levels in agricultural soils had fallen worldwide - by 72% in Europe, 76% in Asia and 85% in North America.

The combined effect of soil mineral depletion and the reduced availability of those minerals that remain is that most of the food that we eat is mineral deficient. The table below summarizes the reductions in the average mineral content of 27 vegetables and 17 fruits, between 1940 and 1991. The results of the latest research are expected to show mineral values in continual decline.

Reduction in average mineral content of fruit and vegetables between 1940 and 1991 shown in graph below:


A new study published earlier this year shows that, as might be expected, mineral levels in animal products reflect the picture in plant foods. Comparing levels measured in 2002 with those present in 1940, the iron content of milk was found to be 62% less, calcium and magnesium in parmesan cheese had each fallen by 70% and copper in dairy produce had plummeted by a remarkable 90%.

Food seems to be considered as something quite separate from its source and means of production. But this is not rocket science - the foundation of human health is the quality of the food we eat, which relies ultimately on the vitality of the soil on which it is raised.

What happens to us if we are mineral deficient?
Minerals are an essential part of our natural diet and a lack of them may in part account for our increasing susceptibility to diseases - such as heart disease (magnesium), cancer (selenium), diabetes (chromium) and mental illnesses (zinc). Zinc is perhaps the most commonly deficient mineral and the most critical mineral for metal health. The average intake is around 7.5mg, which is half the RDA of 15mg. Every one of us should take care to get the minerals we need, for the good of our health.

A few Signs and a few mild to extreme Symptoms of Mineral deficiency:

Potassium deficiency: Dry skin, poor reflexes, apathy, weakness, confusion, and extreme thirst.

Magnesium deficiency: Apathy, weakness, cramps and muscle tremors (tetany) which leads to convulsions, insomnia, headaches, high blood pressure, depression, constipation, hyperactivity, Irregular heart rhythms.

Calcium deficiency: Muscle weakness or cramps, Brittle bones, rickets, osteoporosis.

Iron deficiency: Shortness of breathe, Fatigue, Iron deficiency anaemia, reduced resistance to infections, poor appetite.

Zinc deficiency: Hair loss, skin changes, diarrhoea, wasting of body tissue, loss of taste and smell, thin fingernails with white spots, acne, fatigue, memory loss, depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, poor immunity, dandruff, psoriasis, hyperactivity

What functions do mineral have in our bodies?
Minerals are needed for the proper formation of blood and bone, the maintenance of healthy nerve function, heartbeat regulation, reproduction and foetal development. They are essential to the process of growth, healing and energy release. And it is not just the presence of the mineral in the body that is important - they must be in the correct ratio to each other. The level of each mineral has an effect, directly or indirectly, on every other, so if one is out of kilter the whole system is affected. Calcium, magnesium and phosphorous help make up the bones and teeth. Nerve signals, vital for the brain and muscles, depend on calcium, magnesium, sodium and potassium. Oxygen is carried in the blood by an iron compound also essential for oxygenation of and carbon dioxide extraction from the body.

Chromium helps control blood sugar levels. Zinc is vital for body repairs, renewal and development. Selenium and zinc help boost the immune system. Brain function depends on adequate magnesium, manganese, zinc and other essential minerals. These are a few out of a thousand key roles minerals play our health.

What can you do to ensure that you are getting the minerals that you need in your diet?

Eat Organic: The first thing you can do is to eat organic. Organic foods have a higher mineral content than those grown with chemicals, plus by eating organic you are supporting the environment.

Take supplements: It is very important nowadays to supplement your diet with good quality supplements that are easily absorbed by your body. There are a lot of supplements out there that are a waste of money because they are manufactured with synthetic ingredients. These should be avoided as your body will not absorb them.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Soy - The real danger's behind it

91 percent of soy grown in the US is genetically modified (GM). The genetic modification is done to impart resistance to the toxic herbicide Roundup. While this is meant to increase farming efficiency and provide you with less expensive soy, the downside is that your soy is loaded with this toxic pesticide. The plants also contain genes from bacteria that produce a protein that has never been part of the human food supply.

Disturbingly, the only published human feeding study on GM foods ever conducted verified that the gene inserted into GM soy transfers into the DNA of our gut bacteria and continues to function. This means that years after you stop eating GM soy, you may still have a potentially allergenic protein continuously being produced in your intestines.

Even more frightening is the potential for GM soy linked to infertility, which has been evidenced by recent Russian research. John, I keep trying to have a baby with Sarah and it seem's nothing is working, can you pass the soy sauce, any suggestion's?

Soy contains natural toxins known as “anti-nutrients.” Soy foods contain anti-nutritional factors such as saponins, soyatoxin, phytates, protease inhibitors, oxalates, goitrogens and estrogens. Some of these factors interfere with the enzymes you need to digest protein. While a small amount of anti-nutrients would not likely cause a problem, the amount of soy that many Americans are now eating is extremely high.

Soy contains hemagglutinin - a clot-promoting substance that causes your red blood cells to clump together. These clumped cells are unable to properly absorb and distribute oxygen to your tissues. Can anyone say cluster headache symptom?

Soy contains goitrogens are substances that block the synthesis of thyroid hormones and interfere with iodine metabolism, thereby interfering with your thyroid function.

Soy contains phytates. Phytates (phytic acid) bind to metal ions, preventing the absorption of certain minerals, including calcium, magnesium, iron, and zinc -- all of which are co-factors for optimal biochemistry in your body. This is particularly problematic for vegetarians, because eating meat reduces the mineral-blocking effects of these phytates (so it is helpful—if you do eat soy—to also eat meat).

Soy is loaded with the isoflavones genistein and daidzein Isoflavones are a type of phytoestrogen, which is a plant compound resembling human estrogen. These compounds mimic and sometimes block the hormone estrogen, and have been found to have adverse effects on various human tissues. Soy phytoestrogens are known to disrupt endocrine function, may cause infertility, and may promote breast cancer in women.
Drinking even two glasses of soymilk daily for one month provides enough of these compounds to alter your menstrual cycle. Although the FDA regulates estrogen-containing products, no warnings exist on soy.

Soy has toxic levels of aluminum and manganese Soybeans are processed (by acid washing) in aluminum tanks, which can leach high levels of aluminum into the final soy product. 

Soy infant formula puts your baby’s health at risk. Nearly 20 percent of U.S. infants are now fed soy formula, but the estrogens in soy can irreversibly harm your baby’s sexual development and reproductive health. Infants fed soy formula take in an estimated five birth control pills’ worth of estrogen every day.
Infants fed soy formula have up to 20,00 times the amount of estrogen in circulation as those fed other formulas!

Soy contains trypsin inhibitors. Trypsin is a digestive enzyme produced in the pancreas. This is why eating soy often causes gas, bloating, pain, and diarrhea. Fermenting soy disables these trypsin inhibitors. Miso is fermented. Tofu is NOT.

Soy contains phytates, which bind with minerals in your digestive tract, making those minerals inaccessible via digestion. No amount of soaking or fermenting will disable them all.
Studies have also found that eating tofu at least twice a week can cause accelerated brain aging, decreased cognitive ability, and increased risk for Alzheimer's disease.
Soy contains phytoestrogens, which can cause hormonal disruption. They do this two ways. First, they lock onto estrogen receptors in the body, blocking true estrogen and other hormones. Second, they can disrupt the body's production of estrogen. By the way, soy is the only plant out of over 300 containing phytoestrogens that humans eat.

Silica = Collagen

Silica is absolutely essential for the body to create and maintain collagen.

Collagen is the tough fibrous material that holds us together. Many aging problems are a direct result of the body's inability to maintain adequate collagen. Think for a moment about the following aging problems: joint deterioration, brittle bones, hardening of the arteries, dry skin, inability to digest food properly, weakened teeth and gums, and atrophying organs. They all are collagen related in one form or another. When we are young, Silica levels in our body are high and our bones and joints are flexible. Our skin is supple and glowing. As we age, Silica levels decline and without adequate tissue levels of Silica, we manifest many of the symptoms of aging such as joint disease, weakened digestion, and wrinkled skin, to name a few.

Top 9 Nutritional and Therapeutic Applications for Silica

1. Connective tissue strengthening and support (joint, ligaments and muscles)

2. Bone strengthening and support through enhanced calcium absorption
Within bone, silica is the essential component making up the collagen matrix upon which calcium is deposited. This relationship is so fundamental that it is truly impossible to form bone without both calcium and silica. In fact, researchers are exploring the possibility that supplementation of silica, rather than calcium may be what is needed for maintaining strong bones.

3. Strengthening of teeth and gums

4. Cardiovascular support Silica in adequate quantities creates supple arteries and veins and is effective in removing plaque from artery walls. This has actually been known since 1958 when Loeper and Loeper found arteriosclerotic artery walls showed excessively high levels of calcium and lower than normal levels of in silica.

5. Stomach and digestive disorders
Most disorders of the stomach and digestive tract involve a degradation of the lining in the G.I. tract. Silica is an essential element involved in rebuilding and maintaining these tissues.

6. Immune system enhancement
Our skin is our first line of defense against naturally occurring bacteria, virus’s, and other pathogens. Silica promotes and maintains healthy skin tissue.

7. Wound and burn healing
Silica stimulates the rapid re-growth of damaged skin tissue.

8. Thinning hair, brittle nails, and dry skin
All of these external parts of our body are collagen based.

9. Aluminum elimination enhancement
Silica has been shown to be a good eliminator of aluminum. Aluminum has been implicated as a cause of Alzheimer’s.

Given that connective tissue is basically collagen, the inability of the body to rebuild this tissue will result in excessive injuries, general deterioration, or excessively long periods of healing time when injuries occur.

To Supplement or Not To Supplement?
The age-old debate rages on with a definitive swing in favor of supplementation. The American medical establishment is also beginning to embrace the need for supplementation to enhance health and longevity.
Why is there a need to supplement with silica if it is the second most prevalent element on earth? The reason is threefold:

As we age, scientific measurements have shown that the human body retains less and less silica.
Silica does not occur in sufficient amounts in a wide variety of foodstuffs. It is primarily found in natural oats, millet, barley, wheat and potatoes. If we eat these foods at all, they are normally refined to a point where all the silica has been removed. 

The average American diet does not contain adequate levels of essential nutrients especially Silica.

Studies have shown that the average person ingests between 20 to 60 milligrams of silica daily depending upon their diet. Results from people who have supplemented with silica at 375 mg per day support silica's effectiveness and reinforce the fact that 20 to 60 milligrams per day is not adequate. According to researchers some form of daily silica supplementation will be very beneficial.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Frankincense Boswella, Arthritis Pain Herb

Arthritis has always been frustrating, impossible to cure chronic degenerative disease that has afflicted mankind since the dawn of history. Skeletons of ancient man show evidence of arthritis.

Even with today's high tech treatment and Pharmaceuticals, arthritis has not been conquered. Moreover, prescription dmgs are usually ineffective in the long run, and cause serious side effects. Some of the dangerous side effects of anti-inflammatories include gastritis, ulcers, bruising, liver damage, kidney damage, anemia or osteoporosis just to name a few.

Millions of Americans suffer from some form of rheumatic disease. Degenerative arthritis or osteoarthritis is probably the most common type. Patients experience joint pain and swelling, moming stiffness and decrease mobility. Often activities of daily living were limited due to pain, swelling or stiffiiess.
Boswella is the gum resin exudates from the tree Boswellia Serrata from India. Boswella, also known as Indian frankincense, is an herb that has been used as an Ayurvedic treatment system for centuries. It is a specific inhibitor of leukotrienes. Leukotrienes cause inflammation by promoting free radical damage, autoimmune responses, cell adhesion, and by causing the migration of the inflammatory producing cells to the inflamed body area. Leukotrienes are considered to be the initiator of a variety of inflammatory diseases.

The inflammatory diseases caused by Leukotrienes include arthritis, rheumatism, colitis, psoriasis, asthma and a host of others. Boswella blocks the synthesis of leukotrienes. This is the most probable mechanism behind the action in inhibiting inflammation. The action of boswella is mediated through a vascular phenomenon. It improves blood supply to the joints and restores integrity of blood vessels blocked by spasm. Boswella may also increase the blood supply to painful joints.

A study was conducted by Cardiff University scientists on the effect's of boswellia serrata extract on knee-joint inflammation in 50 osteoarthritic patients over a two-month period.
Osteoarthritis is a common, chronic, progressive, skeletal, degenerative disorder which commonly affects the knee joint.

The study noted that those applying the extract to the skin reported up to 70 per cent better mobility in their knee joints and a 50 to 60 per cent decrease in knee-joint swelling. In addition, the frequency of the swelling was significantly reduced.

Many of the patients reported the results as being more immediate and effective than conventional ibuprofen-based anti-inflammatory treatments.

What is manuka?

Honey is one of nature's oldest folk remedies. Ancient civilisations used honey to help heal wounds.
There are many reports in medical literature of honey being successfully used for problems such as wounds, burns, skin ulcers, boils, infections.

Manuka is a shrub or small tree native to New Zealand and southeast Australia. Manuka has powerful healing agents that surpasses even tea tree oil in its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

The Manuka bush from New Zealand, known as the Jelly tree in Australia, has healing attributes way higher than the Australian Tea Tree. The complicated part of the analogy is that the Manuka bush of New Zealand and the Melaleuca of Australia are equally referred to as the “Tea Tree”. If that werent confusing adequate, the Manuka bush of New Zealand and the Jelly Bush of Australia are the very same type of plant. Each “Tea Trees” received their identify when settlers to the area, utilized the leaves to make tea. These ended up certainly British settlers. Tiny did they recognize the curative results of the tea.
When bees ingest the nectars of the Manuka bush some thing magical occurs. The honey is more strong in curative homes than either standard honey or the “Tea Tree” oil itself.
Recent scientific studies confirmed that energetic Manuka honey is hugely antibacterial, speeds up therapeutic and lowers scarring. This honey encourages the progress of white blood cells. Manuka honey goods even fight germs resistant to antibiotics.

Science just now catches up to the prior and exams by Dr. Peter Molan, an Associate Professor in the school of Biochemistry at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand examined honey to discover why it heals. He discovered that bees protect their possess honey to transport it back to the hive by lacking it with the enzyme glucose oxidase. When body moisture and glucose oxidase mix, the mix releases a little sum of hydrogen peroxide, a normal antiseptic.

Scientific university research is showing the reason why honey could assist natural healing and that UMF Manuka Honey has even greater healing qualities because of its enhanced antibacterial potency.
When purchasing the honey, make sure that there is a UMF rating statement on the bottle if you want to obtain a UMF + 10 Honey.The higher the UMF level, the health benefits increase with its antibacterial levels.